Day 15

Last Update: June 20, 2010

So today I've been a WA member for 15 days, seems like much longer! I've made it through the first four lessons of the action plan and but still have over a day till I can get to lesson 5. I'm making sure to fully complete each task, even if I already think I know how to do it.

I've been learning a ton from all the different tutorials and I am slowly apply what I learn in between working at my 'real job'.  Besides all the details on how to do things, I think the main thing I've learned so far is that their is not one big secret to making money online, you just have to put a lot of hard work! Sure there are tons of things to learn, but as long as you DO something with what you learn you can make money.

I already have a niche site up and running, I've been back linking it and hopefully as I make my way through the action plan I'll start making some money! 


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