About Lukafer2
Joined May 2008
Hello, my name is Luke Hancock and I am new to affiliate Marketing. I have heard good things about this program and I am hoping to become another success story.
Lukafer2's Accomplishments

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Kiss6996 Premium
Just wanted to welcome you to WA and also to say I love your pic
clhdrums87 Premium
thanks for the gold! I'll return the favor since you're the first to give me some
lukafer2 Premium
No problem, you had a pretty good html tutorial, I will probably resort back to it often.
lukafer2 Premium
BTW, I just sent you an IM from "WAsquidservice"
valeri Premium
Cheers For The Gold :)
Im Waiting On Some Cash To Go Into The Visa so i can pay the subscription lol my cash is all in paypal haha safe but annoying
valeri Premium
No Problemo... If You Need Some Extra help with your campaigns or SEO just PM me and i will see if i can help you somehow... 2 brains always better than 1 !
lukafer2 Premium
no problem; take however long you need....thank you sooo much by the way....this will be my second affiliate sale ever ;)
generacks8 Premium
Hi Luke! Congratulations on your success here in WA. I'm a newbie in IM or affiliate marketing and need all the help I can get. Hope you don't mind if I ask a few questions from time to time. Thanks!
Kecia08 Premium
Hi Luke,

Thanks for the wonderful messages you have left me on the forum. I've added you to my buddy list...Feel free to do the same!

lukafer2 Premium
haha well you are doing GREAT in your first week....6 sales is AMAZING!

I saw on your post in the forum that you got a sale through PPC with an ad spend of like .54 cents or something crazy like that. way to go.

I'm about to get into PPC once i finish setting up my squeeze page, but I want to get a full understanding of it before I waste all my money ;).

Well keep up the good work!