Newbie Here!

Last Update: March 30, 2010

Hi and thanx for visiting. This is my first blog post here at WA, but I am not really new to the world of blogging. I tried my hand at blogging with a blogger blog over at google for a while.It was a learning experience and I even made a few dollars from adsense.

 The problem is that google decided that I was getting too many backlinks in too short a period of time and deleted my blog. It was a very sad day for me and I have no way of recovering what work I had done. Fortunately though, I have copies of most of my best articles on my pc that I can use in the future.

As for wealthy affiliates, I have been researching WA for 2 months now and finally decided to sign up today. So today is a happy day and hopefully the beginning of a new and prosperous career as an affiliate marketer.

Wish me luck.

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Wootton Premium
Hey my name is Luke too , cool. I have been here a few weeks now and if there is anything i have learned, that if you apply to what you learn and ask questions. You will be doing great in no time!
Welcome aboard
Blackice Premium
I am new here too. Let me be the first on your blog to wish you the best of luck!. :-)