Not What I Was Expecting For My First Blog!

Last Update: June 29, 2010

If you have heard of then you know that it is an auction site like ebay, except they only auction off websites. BEWARE!

I would think, maybe three or four times before purchasing one of these sites, if you are not extremely educated in this business. I'm not saying there all bad, but there seem to be a few people on flippa that sell websites on a regular basis that have very unethical practices.

I did my research on the seller before I made the purchase and everything looked good. I bought this site called It looked great to me. Boy was I wrong!

The transfer of the domain name and site went smooth. I put my affiliate Id's in WP robot and I was ready to start marketing.

I was wondering the whole time why someone would sell a site like this so cheap? Well, it didn't take long to figure out. I checked a few weeks later (100 posts later) and this persons Id's were still showing up through Amazon and Clickbank. Huh! I wonder what's going on?

I emailed her a few times and she kept giving me the run-around. I double checked everything to make sure I didn't make a mistake and I didn't.

I was getting screwed some how and a few other people even tried to help but couldn't figure it out either.

I was recommended to contact X2 and I'm glad I did. Thank you Des! After taking a look at my site and my Cpanel he informed me on what was going on.

Here is what X2 told me that this scumbag had done:

" There is a good chance she has a redirect set up in the file manager. She has part of it hard coded and part of it going to another server where she has a tool set up to relay her affiliate code. "

I never would have figured this out on my own.

Thank god for WA and a few of the members here. Especially X2! He is taking care of this problem as we speak. WA is pretty awesome!

This was my first experience and my last on It's a shame that there are people out there trying to take advantage of other people.

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are good people providing a great service there, but I will never deal outside of WA again.

My advice to newbies that are willing to spend a few dollars...GET A TRUSTWORTHY MENTOR HERE AT WA!


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