My Confession!

Last Update: February 07, 2011
In the past 10 years, I have been using internet either to do research, social networking etc but I was afraid to do a blog as I am not comfortable sharing my personal thoughts and I am worried if my ideas is worth reading. They say when you make a blog the topic should be interesting with the readers in order for you to have followers. I thought that this would be a great responsibility as a blogger therefore you should be consistent to have a good ideas/interesting topic to blog.
I do not know what drives me to do my first ever blog here in WA. Is this a sign that I am coming out from my comfort zone? Or is this a start of a new beginning as internet marketer? Whatever it is I feel positive that being in WA will help me or I will learn more to be an online marketer. I am excited to learn the basics and to learn from the experiences of the WA members. Maybe this will take me months to learn as I can't do it full time yet but hopefully I will do it 3rd quarter this year.
I have also visited the forum but not that fully as I am taking my lessons. Sometimes I go there to see what's new but since I have limited time then I am concentrating first on my lessons. 
Wow! I can't believe it that I wrote this far. :-) I am really happy on my first blog ever.
Any thoughts, opinions or suggestions are most welcome!  Thanks!
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madugay Premium
Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate it.. :-)
jatdebeaune Premium
Blogs are a great way to connect with fellow members and share experiences. You can learn quite a lot reading others blogs. Also, it's good practice for your writing skills.
Robg1 Premium
Yes I always wondered what the point of a blogg was. But having been a mamber of this community for a while I now see the value of them completely. Its is a place to openly share thoughts and experiences with like minded people. Your learning can be done in the tutorials and the forum. But you can express your personal IM thoughts and experiences be they frustrations, excitement, confusion, happiness or whatever in your blogg and get feedback from others. Its quite comforting when people comment and you realise that you are not crazy after all. You are just another internet marketer on their special journey ;-)
Labman_1 Premium
Congratulations on your first blog post.
If you need assistance just ask.
Jamie Smith Premium
You have just taken your first step into a much larger world.