Thursday Live Broacast is Cancelled

Last Update: June 24, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I am sorry to say that today's
live broadcast has been canceled. 

I will announce the next date in the coming days..

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but my whole family is sick and I need to attend to their needs today.



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OneProsperity Premium
Hope they get well soon Jay. I just went through the same thing, and my husband came home early to help me out - I was so happy he did - family comes first :) I will look out for your next broadcast. All the best.
R-L-Atch Premium
I send your family my regards for a speedy recovery Jay. I hope all goes well!
Jamie Smith Premium
Family comes first, please, no need to say sorry for a thing Jay. Sending blessings as we speak. Once you got the date and time locked down for your next webinar, I will post it on my blog and hit the social media for you as always my brother.
jatdebeaune Premium
So sorry they're sick. Hope they're better soon. Stay well yourself.
Louise M. Premium
No problem, family comes first! Hope they'll feel better soon. :)