You Asked Me, I Answered [Video]

Last Update: April 30, 2010

Hey IM Partners,

Last week I posted a mindmap on how I dominate niche campaigns - you then asked me questions...

Below is the video with all of your answers.
It's 15 minutes long, but I suggest you roll through the entire video.

If you have any comments, suggestions or additional questions - please leave them below.

The more feedback I get, the more often I am willing to do these videos. :)

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Alex Copeland Premium
Nice to hear Canadians say 'niche' correctly just like we do in the UK... ;) Joke before everyone in the US attacks me! lol! :) :)
Louise M. Premium
Thank you Jay! What a great video! I'm sure we'll all be glad if you do this again, it's awesome and Joan is right to say that you're very generous to do this. Thx again! Louise.
andys43us Premium
Great video Jay. Thanks.
jatdebeaune Premium
What a wonderful way to answer questions. Was like sitting with you. Very generous, Jay. Thank you.
Jamie Smith Premium
did I mention that you ROCK?!!

Thanks for all the love and hard work as always my brother

Massive Respect Jay