About Andys43us
Joined January 2010
I am a 22 year old guy from India. I just got out of college and decided not to follow the rat race and start something on my own. I am just starting on affiliate marketing and will try my best to succeed. And I am going to put everything I have in the IM basket because according to me if I have a contingency plan, then I am not going to give it a 100%. Lets hope I never need a plan B

Update: It's August 2011 now and I am a full time Internet Marketer now (technically I was one back then also, the difference is that now I make a full time income). Even though I felt like quitting many times in the past one and a half year, not having a plan B helped me stick to it. "Ready, Fire and Aim" approach really works in this business.
Andys43us's Accomplishments

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PaintMeFancy Premium
Welcome to WA and good luck!
PaintMeFancy Premium
Your Welcome. Sorry you don't have good luck. lol Best to you then.
andys43us Premium
thanks a lot. I hope luck doesn't have to do much with IM because I never had good luck. :).
toools951 Premium
Good luck on your learning experience! Contact me if you need any assistance.
andys43us Premium
thanks for your wishes. I will consult you if I have any queries.
music_mom30 Premium
andys43us Premium
Thanx Kat.
Ezinewriter Premium
Welcome to WA, all buddied up!
andys43us Premium
Thanx for the welcome.
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
andys43us Premium
Thanks for the welcome dude. I hope by the time I am your age I am as successful as you are.