About Mailman
Joined June 2010
I guess everyone can tell what I do for a living. My name is Chuck and yes, I'm a hard working mailman. Hopefully, WA will change that so that one day I can say that I'm an ex-mailman. I have a bachelors in marketing from the dinosaur age. Hopefully its like riding a bike - you never forget. I've been divorced since 2001 and have 2 rotten teenage boys that drive me crazy sometimes. The other times, they are my reason for loving life. I've known about WA for about 3 years, but was afraid to take the plunge. As most of you know the Post Office may be a dying breed. Probably 20 years from now you will remember your mailman as people now do the "Pony Express". Thats the main reason Im here - to prepare for the inevitable. Enough for now, I'm ready to start the journey with my eyes wide open and hopefully with the help and advice from some of you it will be a rewarding adventure.....
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Tans Premium
Welcome to WA - what brings you here?
Sherion Premium
Hi and Welcome to WA. You will have a great time here. Let me know if you want to be buddies.
mailman Premium
Thanks for the welcome. Yes, I'd like to be buddies. I need all the friends I can get as I begin the journey....
jespinola Premium
welcome to WA =)
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
FatWallet Premium
Hello there, Welcome to WA!