Wordpress For Beginners - Feedback please

Last Update: December 30, 2009

As I previously mentioned I am in the middle of writing a complete ebook for using wordpress, covering everything from keyword research to exactly how to configure wordpress so you get the quickest, and best results. 

I think wordpress is largely misunderstood and many people do not realize how good it really is. 

So what I am asking is, as I move to completion of my book, what questions do you have about wordpress that YOU would want to see answered in it? I am still leaning towards this being a sharezone product (meaning, free for WA members) and then offer it on clickbank for others (and of course, asking fellow IM'ers here to promote it!). 

So how about it, what do you want to know about wordpress that I can add to the guide?


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makers-n-seven Premium
This will be for the Hosted wordpress. There is a difference. For the non hosted, your domain name is a wordpress extensions: www.yourblogname.wordpress.com.

The hosted wordpress means it is just your domain name, where you control the content. Like www.yourdomain.com.
Also, the non hosted wordpress does not allow affiliate links, whereas if you have a hosting account, and just use wordpress software you OWN the content and the page, so you can whatever you want with it!
M-skeezy Premium
Are you making a guide on the "Hosted" Wordpress or the offline Wordpress?
Is there a difference?