Posts by Manov 4
December 08, 2009
Hello WA members, I was one of the beta tester for Chris Rampel's Affiliate Genie.This is a site builder tool specifically created for affiliate marketers. I suggest you to read my review here.
1 comment
December 07, 2009
I just published an Amazin guide and shared at ShareZone Make $1500 Fast You must be crazy NOT to read it...  read it fast and take ACTIOn!  
November 19, 2009
Google Wealth Magnet Review. If you are on Chris X's list you probably received his email about Google Wealth Magnet. I bough thtis guide early and wrote a detailed review. The review is worth reading even if you have no intention to buy it. Read Google Wealth Magnet Review.
PPC Classroom3.0 Review Anik Singal and Amit Mehta, recently launched PPC Classroom version 3 with truckload of HYPE and launch formula gimmicks. You can try the whole load of crap for just $1 for 14 days. Then you’ll be charged $97 per month.  However, let me tell you frankly this; PPC Classroom 3 is not even worth the $1 trial. Click here to read complete review!