About Marcus_1978
Joined February 2009

My name's Marcus, I'm 30 (although people say I look 20), and I'm from Gloucestershire, England.

I've been interested in Affiliate Marketing for a while now, and I've researched it quite a lot, and I've tried a few things, but not really had any success. I've made a lot of mistakes, and gone down a lot of dead ends. I've not wasted much money, but I've definitely wasted a lot of time!

It looks like I've finally come to the right place now though!
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Louise M. Premium
Just passing by and wanting to say hi ! :)
I've also wasted a lot of time before finding WA. I'm now working hard on my articles and have a website :). I'm happy to be here. And glad to meet you ! :)

See you around !
gd_babe Premium
Hey Marcus, I read your post today under PotPieGirl's secret about Travis. I've been using her OWM too without much success yet either, but I'm throwin' in the towel yet! Not that it's nice to know others are in the same boat, just comforting to know I'm not alone.
Keep at it, and best of luck.
As Travis always says, "I'm rooting for ya"
Angie :)
museline Premium
Hi Marcus, Just found some great resources for newbies listed by "eve". You may want to check them out...