I've come a long way

Last Update: April 04, 2010

Can't believe how much i've learned in the last couple of months.  I am moving at light speed.  When I look back at questions I had just a short time ago,  I am amazed.  Didn't realize how negative my last blog post was.  I just went thru a really difficult period with sites needing to be moved,  starting some sites over, and not making a lot of progress.  What's really changed over the last two months is my mindset.  I no longer feel like I am at the mercy of anyone else to generate money.  With the knowledge that I have learned, I can create income whenever I want.  It's just a matter of sitting in the seat and taking action.  I can't believe how much work is available on the net right now.  Even if I just wrote articles everyday,  I would always have a stream of income.  As long as I can hit this keyboard,  I'm going to be making money.  I am so much happier. Now if all my friends would leave me alone so I can work.  I really want to hole up in a hotel room for 5 days so I can just get a blitz of work done. Sites flipped, domain names bought,  opt-in list added to sites,  etc.  I cant wait to see what things look like in two more months.  Thanks to all the people who have answered questions and helped with resources and time. 

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yearnintoearn Premium
Hi Margaux-
I can't tell you how great it is to see your entry. I am new this week and needed to see where I can be in two months. Thank you, Cindy