About Mark K
Joined May 2008
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Jono Premium
Hey Mark,
You must think like a computer to have absorbed all that information. Hope you don't mind me adding you as a buddy, I could learn a lot. I've only been at WA for about 3 weeks also so It'll be a while before I can help you but you never know. Welcome to WA, Jono
Jono Premium
Hi Mark. Thanks for getting back. I haven't even thought as far as a campaign because I'm still going though the the 8 week course. I find myself reading and then re-reading but this week I have to put a few things in action as part of my weekly tasks. My normal approach to this type of venture is to bulldoze my way through because I feel as though I understand it already, so I promised myself to take things a little more methodically. You must have a little more insight to this type of thing to be moving so quickly? Has you experience in networking helped you?
pattycakes Premium

It's awesome that you made $1500 in the 3 weeks since you joined. Did you get started with article marketing or did you go straight into building a website?

pattycakes Premium
Hi Mark.
My website kind of bit the dust so I'm having to build a new one, but I'm trying a different content to see if there's any improvement in traffic. Wish you all the best. Gotta go work on my website. Talk to you later.
Mark K Premium
Thanks for the visit Patty

I actually started with PPC just to try it out, and it has hit off, so ive carried on with it, and now supporting it with articles and a landing page. Will have to expand into more products soon i think!

How are you coming along?
Jane Doe Premium
Welcome to WA Mark. We have something in common, I am kind of addicted to my computer too. Keep enjoying it.
Mark K Premium
Hi Jane!

Thanks for the welcome to WA :)

Being addicted to our comps isnt a bad thing if we can start to make some money! It could even turn into a full time job, then you would be required to be on your comp, dont think people can class that as addicted then lol ;)
johnmozier2 Premium
Hi Mark,

Welcome to WA. Pretty new here myself. Getting a lot out of it. Learning lots of great stuff. It was a bit much at first but it's coming together. Hope you have a great experience.

See you around,

johnmozier2 Premium
Hi again Mark,

Thanks for visiting my space and adding me to your buddies list. I've now added you to mine, that's how your popularity score is raised if you did not already know. Yeah it's pretty cool that we are able to communicate and share in each others progress if we choose. This aspect of Internet Networking I suspect has much potential to accelerate everyones development. I'm excited to learn from everyone who has something to share. Hopefully I will have much more to share soon. Feel free to drop me a line whenever you like.

See you around,
Mark K Premium
Hey John

Thanks for the warm welcome! Looks like theres quite a few of us in the same boat, just starting out. Will be interesting to see how we all get on in the near future, maybe we can share each others success stories soon on the forums!
1brokeman Premium
Hey Mark hows it going what part of the UK do you stay? Also...when you setup a campaign how did you go about finding your keywords?

Mark K Premium
Hey Des,

Sorry for the late reply, been busy promoting my campaign some more :D

Im from Bedfordshire in the UK, where you from?

Im currently using PPC as my main source of advertising, although ive started using squidoo and have now created a landing page too, so we'll see how it goes!