About MarkSV
Joined May 2009
Hey Guys,

Welcome to my space on the wonderful WA website.
I am new on the whole Internet Marketing scene, but Business, Advertising, and Wealth are all topics I've been interested in for a while!

I have big dreams for this Lifetime I have here on Planet Earth. I believe in Abundance in all aspects of Life, and I look forward to allow mine in, as well as share the prosperity with others.

I love Positive People, I love Optimists, and I love kind, friendly, and fun loving people! Life should be good for all of us!
You didn't come in to this life to struggle, be depressed, and live a crappy life, I believe all of us can thrive, and We all certainly deserve it!

This is just some temporary About Me info. An update is coming soon...
For now, take care, have fun, and feel free to get in touch!

I look forward to having great and prosperous relationships and Mastermind groups formed from WA.

All the best,

MarkSV's Accomplishments

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MarkSV Premium
I wonder what this does..???... :)
MarkSV Premium
MarkSV Premium
Two first Projects underway! So much to do!
JimStrantz Premium
Welcome to WA!! Your profile is very inspiring. I wish you the best of success. Regards.Dimitris.
JimStrantz Premium
Hi again Mark!! I still have no sales but i enjoy learning everyday within WA. I dont know if i stick here though when my subscription ends in a few days on the 30th of May. I have just read the 250 gold thread and i think that you are pretty good coming up with great selling keywords!! Here is some gold for you. Keep up the good work and soon you will make a blast!! Best Regards. Dimitris.
MarkSV Premium
Thanks for the kind words! Hope all is going well for you in the WA world! Cheers! :)
MarkSV Premium
Hey Dimitris! Keep up the positive attitude, whether you stay with WA or not. Keep on working towards making money! It's possible! Sometimes I feel like Knowledge complicates simple things. I made my first 3 sales in IM not knowing anything about WA. I picked three products from Clickbank, put ads for each of them on kijiji (lots of ads), and in a week sold one of each through my kijjiji ads! Unfortunately I'm now banned from kijjiji for spamming... hahaha but it was a good idea...
Anyways, Thanks for the GOLD! :) and good luck. Hopefully you decide to stay with WA and keep pursuing ways of Making more money. Life is meant to be rich!
Have fun!