Posts by MatthewM 5
This post is inspired by a skype conversation I had today with someone I've been talking with on and off about internet marketing. This particular guy is making about $800 a month mostly with article marketing. This guys is nearly there. He bought the IM t-shirt and is wearing it. He asked me what he could do to expand his earnings. I said why not take most of what your making now and reinvest it into your business. I mentioned outsourcing articles. That way he can get more content out, more ba
One not so often talked about marketing technique is press releases.  Press releases are hot and one of my secret deadly weapons for getting my newest sites indexed and ranked in the search engine right away. I will go as far as saying writing a press release and using a quality service will get your site indexed and ranking within 24 hours of going live 100% of the time.  Another good reason for using press releases is they are picked up by news and can generate instant traffic once p
<title></title> Hello Wealthy Affiliates It's 10:00 mid morning. I just got back from Tim Horton with a double double and 2 chocolate glazed donuts, my personal favorite. I pretty sure I could live off chocolate glazed donuts. That's my snack...The one that really gets me. Everyone has one but one thing I've learned fast about working from home, is it's very easy to stack on a few extra pounds fast. Beware. Having a refrigerator where you work is just a little to convenient. Those e
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Multiple Product Review Landing Pages Still Working, Here's why? Some of my biggest profit pulling campaigns come from landing pages where I review 3 or more products. I'm talking about reviewing more than one similar but different product on the same page. These puppies have been pulling well for me for years. Here's why. People like to shop and compare. People like options. It's in people nature to compare one thing to another and look for the best value. You're assisting visitors like a st
<title></title> Life Is Good. Real Good I'm approaching my forth year here at WA in six more months. I finally decided to upload a picture to put a face to my name. The best thing about working from home is having all your friend wonder what the heck you're doing. They say things like... You don't work and have all this free time...? Your completely loaded, Did you win the lotto...? What the heck are you doing? Is it legal....? It's fun to keep them guessing but more often then not I