An Internet Marketer Workout

Last Update: June 22, 2010

So I dust off my elliptical the other day after getting a dressing-room mirror look at what hours of Internet Marketing are doing to my muscle tone.  

First thought:  too bad cellulite creams don't work.  Would be so fabulous if they did.

Second thought:  But how many other women are trying on bathing suits and crying right now.  Traffic on "cottage cheese thighs" must be up this time of year.  Am I unethical enough to promote some miraculous anti-curd ointment?

Sigh.  No...female body image stuff is way off limits.  (High competition anyway.) Let's stick to the high ground here.

I start my playlist.  Damn, I have a great playlist.  Having college-age daughters means I'm an INDIE-mom.  Heck, I've even been to a Muse concert...BEFORE they did the songs for the Twilight soundtrack.  Hmmm, wonder if anyone would be interested in my cutting-edge workout playlists as a free report.

Noooooooo, my mind protests.  This is very, very lame.  Just enjoy the workout, so your shorts will fit again.  ("Supermassive Black Hole" is excellent to work out to, by the way.  There--you just got my free report.  Now give me your email in the reply, and let's move on.)

Sorry--I hope that invitation into my tortured mental processes wasn't too painful for you.  Now for what I've actually been up to while I wouldn't allow myself blogging time:

1.  Still plugging away at the backlink-building for last week's Market Samurai campaign. Not much to report there--but I'm finding I need to do better at keyword optimization.  Dusan has convinced me of it with his blogs and his stats.  

2.  I've started a new campaign relating to the divorce niche.  I figured, since I've been part of support forums for the last couple of years--I do know a lot at this point about how it feels to be heading into all of that turmoil and tribulation.  

Squidoo lens published yesterday, and I've been writing articles ever since (10 to be exact):

I don't make any great claims for this lens, and I've already got ideas for how I want to beef up the content...but I AM trying to improve my copywriting AND my keyword optimization.  I've just never been tuned into "persuasion communication."  Even though I've taught "the persuasive essay unit" I don't know how many times.  Except, I think that what I taught might officially be called "boring persuasive writing."   Now I want to become very, very good at grabbing readers by the seat of the pants and getting their full attention.  No reason I can't, right? 

Dusan (DABK) recommended one excellent set of tutorials for coywriting, by the way.  It's similar to a lot of the training offered here (and the names of the creators would be familiar to many of you)--but it's got some additional, smart reverse-engineering ideas to help one refine one's methods/system.   Ping him (DABK) if you want to know more. I spent hours this weekend devouring the book and videos.

I think it's brilliant when fellow WA'ers all help one another out with Diggs and Props and all those other ways to vote for other people's articles.  (And thanks a million for all of the feedback you've offered me, Mark/MBrig).  I'm happy to exchange votes with anyone reading this.  Let me know...give me links.  Let's stumble, reddit, digg, etc.

Okay, I have procrastinated long enough on house-cleaning. Now that I've done all I can on the elliptical and on the computer keyboard for one day, it's time to go after the spontaneously proliferating dust-bunnies under my couch.





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jatdebeaune Premium
Maureen, I just have to say I read your Squidoo and thought it was great. Got a big kick out of the first comment someone made. My niece had a hideous marriage, unfortunately. She would appreciate what you wrote.
AndreErasmus Premium
Hi Maureen, You are a great writer!
iFaith Premium
Multi tasking with a good workout and IM - fabulous! Good job and keep going Maureen!
ana_nimoss Premium
This was funny!
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Maureen, Curious to know what the copywriting tutorials are. IM is rough on the thigh muscles. Even worse on the back. Do you have a stationery bike? Those things work wonders. Our back roads are full of trucks, so I don't bother with a real outdoor bike. Just 50 minutes a day pedaling and you're fine. It's hot here. Haven't turned on the AC yet. May hit on you for some votes and vote for you too.