May be of Interest to Those in Fitness Niches

Last Update: June 24, 2010

I'm an affiliate for an ebook titled Eat Stop Eat (about intermittent fasting).  Good, authoritative book, good author...and I do believe in IF for a number of different reasons.   I've been getting promotional emails about a new book the author is launching about building muscle mass.  The title is Anabolic Again.

I'm not venturing into muscle-building products myself--but I did want to let the fitness-niche folks know that the author is doing a 50% off promotion on that book today.  It's always nice when you can read (at a discount) the ebook you are considering promoting.   So insert your Clickbank ID in the appropriate spot, and you get 75% off the sale price of $59.95.


Nothing in this for me--just trying to be helpful to those of you who might be poking around Clickbank looking for goodies.

The launch price just extends through today.  No idea if it's a great product or not.  But I do think it's likely that it IS decent.  And the guy does try to provide nice affiliate tools.

Oh, and by the way.  it looks like I'll be starting on the real estate agency campaign next week.  Having the follow-up meeting at their office tomorrow to hear their thoughts/preferences and outline the plan of attack.  I'm excited...from the looks of it, this WILL be my first full-service marketing effort for a client.  Thanks to all my buddies who've offered encouragement.


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iFaith Premium
You're doing great Maureen! Keep going and keep smiling!
ana_nimoss Premium