The Joys of Research

Last Update: May 20, 2010

Once, not too many years ago, I took the Myers-Briggs Personality test.  After the results were tabulated, the guy spent some time interpreting it all for me.

"You're someone who's in love with possibilties."

"Oh yes, possibilities are beautiful.  Just like Emily Dickinson wrote, 'I dwell in possibility..."

"Well, as beautiful as possibilities are, the danger for your type is that you are having so much fun seeing all that is possible that you don't commit to just one thing."

Wince.  Yeaahhh, a little close to home there, buddy.

That said, I want to talk about research.  Because, when it comes right down to it, research is all about exploring possibilities.  And, for someone like me (INFP, by the way), who gets high on possibility, research can be as dangerous as crack.

I'm treating this blog as both a method of documenting my progress AND as an accountability tool.  If I'm keeping a blog, I need to have some actual PROGRESS to talk about.

So, back to research.  Mine did make me pretty punch-drunk today, I must admit.  I'll probably have to break this into two separate entries, since it's a bit detailed.

Well, I liked the drilling-down research approach recommended in the tutorials.  It makes perfect sense.  And whatever that tutorial was with the turkey on the front page, well, that one had some fanTAStic ideas about different places to go for that "niche drilldown" tactic.

I was thinking about the dating niche...may still go that route at some point. Specifically the 40+ dating niche.  BUT, something else grabbed my attention unexpectedly.

And it came from one of my freelance writing gigs. 

(To be continued.  Soccer practice beckons)




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DABK Premium
Part 2, please.
Jamie Smith Premium
research is so important, proud of you!