About Maverick Wil
Joined May 2008
Hey everyone! I'm Maverick Wil from Malaysia.

I joined in May 2008 and to update on the progress, I have been making some good progress but nowhere near fast enough as I was tied down with other commitments throughout the past few months.

Fast forward to Dec 2008, I am putting nearly all my focus on IM and things are going pretty rapidly the past few days thanks to all the knowledge I've acquired from WA and various other sources over the past few months. Still lots to learn but I feel that I'm finally 'pulling the trigger' and hope to meet my 3 month goal in March 2009.

All the best to those just starting out. IM works and with resources like WA, we shouldn't have an excuse not to succeed. If you're new, you can also read my blog posts further down the page to see what I was able to do in less than 10 days of joining WA with no prior experience at all in IM. I made mistakes initially by having too wide a focus but caught on to that quick, remedied it and actually started making some good sales. This was all achieved in less than 10 days. The possibilities are mind blowing.

Drop me a msg anytime and say hi especially those of you in the same region. Cheers!

Maverick Wil
Maverick Wil's Accomplishments

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chyi huei Premium
Hi, Wilson, im Chyi Huei, just feel free to add me msn chyihuei@yahoo.com
krafty Premium
Hi Maverick Wil,

Just dropping by to say hi. I read your blog posts, very inspiring stuff. Keep up the good work.

Maverick Wil Premium
Hey krafty, I see you started your own too. ;) Thanks for dropping by to say hi.
TyneeTom Premium
Wilson, do you remember me? I'm back.
TyneeTom Premium
You still have the same picture up since last year, haha. Have you learned much in the past year?

Don't lie to me.....have you been lazy like me too?

This time I'm going to try my best.

First thing I'm going to try is get a squidoo page up for wealthy affiliate.
It's really hard to get motivated!
Maverick Wil Premium
Hey hey ...so this time around you have Miyagi on your side then ;) All the best!
Maverick Wil Premium
Ok I changed my profile picture since you mention it haha... WA is the only place I didn't put up this new one.

I've been lazy yea haha but I bucked up and made some progress. My profile said a goal of March 2009 but nope, I haven't reached that goal yet. I've learned and done a heck lot though. It's a work in progress and lots of hard work at that.
Maverick Wil Premium
By the way 1 Dollar isn't hard to make. AIM HIGHER! ;)
joejoechen Premium
Hey yo, just so you know, I'm a Malaysian too!
It's cool because none of the friends I know of is making money ONLINE like us, I made 3 sales past my first month here but yeah, 3 sales are still sales.
I'm from KL btw, nice to meet you!

joejoechen Premium
Yea man, I'm in my 3rd year in university currently. I'm going back KL to meer my girlfriend this weekend. CAN'T WAIT! I just started a month too, 3 sales to catch up on you, and it's already USD150 in pocket. WOOSHH~ got fundings for my girlfriend's presents now. LOL.
joejoechen Premium
It's cool about the meeting up dude! hey we can keep in touch through MSN. Here's mine: joe99163@hotmail.com. I'm currently working on attachment as Civil Engineering student. Will be ending my 5 months miserable attachment program by this weekend, with the pityful income I get every month. Hey 5 figures can be easily achieved with WA! and I mean USD.. haha. See ya around dude!
Maverick Wil Premium
hey joe, that's cool...I'm currently based in KL. Today marks my first month into IM and I made 8 sales so far which in Malaysia is quite a significant amount. I haven't even gone full speed yet since I was busy wrapping up my other business. So are you based in Singapore now?
Maverick Wil Premium
What are you studying and when do you finish?

Maybe we can meet up sometime as fellow Malaysian WAers when you're back in KL. Starting this month, I'm going full time into this and I'm dissecting the 4 hour work week by Tim Ferriss as well. I'm targeting a 5 figure income by Sept this year which is roughly 5 times the amount I've ever been paid being an employee. ;). If we plan a meet up in August, I'm sure I'll have plenty to share by then.
anupam498 Premium
hei..... most welcome here. i just finished the 8th week action plan. good resources not less a 100$ ebook. but have to work in to action. have prepared for article marketing.....
Maverick Wil Premium
oooh great..I'm still waiting for week 2 to start. Have u managed to put anything up yet?