About Mccooougtd
Joined October 2008
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TJ Books Premium
I saw one of your post and decided to check in with you again. How are you doing at WA. Are you working on a schedule and getting things done. It is a long hard row to hoe but patience and a good schedule pays off. John
mccooougtd Premium
I seeking to learning something about computers, come hell or high water. Why! I was born 1937 B.C.....No it's not Before Christ. My B.C. is "Before Computer" This course is the right place to be, but my brain is telling me it's already overloaded with 72 years of Data. I might attempt to place my finger in a light socket to erase some of old file that are no longer valid. File like how to rebuild 1939 Chevy Engine. or Files like How to Build a Tepee, or How Not to get run over by Buffalo. I let you know in a few weeks, if I'm still around.
mccooougtd Premium
As I walk thru the valley of unknow, I have the buddies of Wealthy Affiliate to lean on.
manifest Premium
Welcome to WA mccooougtd,
Don't freak out about computers, they are just stupid tools. You will learn a lot here, take your time, you will be much more confident very soon. I f you have questions just ask!
manifest Premium
Maybe Schnauzer Breed is something you could think of exploring when you'll learn about keyword research and market niches...who knows !
mccooougtd Premium
Hello Jack! Just want you to know I'm the "New Kid on the Block"
I'm a pet lover, his name is Rockie, name given by the Breeder because he was the biggest of all his sibling. He's a miniature Schnauzer. I was a breeder for Boston Terriers for long time. But, this is my first Schnauzer, he teaching me all his trait. I have started breeding him. I don't know how to send a picture of his debut, but he is all Schnauzer. Cioa from mccooougd