Goal for 2011

Last Update: December 10, 2010

I have been off work since October 15 after having surgery on my foot.  It's back to the grind for me in January, 2011.  I can honestly say that I have not missed the long commute to my job each day, and I wish I could stay home. My goal and wish for 2011 is to build my income from marketing and finally be able to work from home by the end of next year.  I have multiple income streams going already, but none of them are substantial. I do know from experience that if you work at it, you will see results.  The main thing is to treat it like a job, not a hobby and put the effort in.  The thing I am most excited about is that I will finally be getting a check from Google next month for adsense.  Kind of nice that they are paying me, after all the money I spent on Adwords!

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prinker Premium
I'm with you; let us all that are not there yet strive for this goal. To achieving our IM goals in 2011!
mcstir Premium
Oh I love your positive words of encouragement! Thank you so much!
jatdebeaune Premium
All the best for 2011! You'll be working from home. Hope your foot feels better.