Thoughts on first training.

Last Update: August 11, 2012
Hello Everyone

I just got done doing my first training and was wondering if you guys could take a look at it, and tell me if 1.) Its easy to understand 2.) If its insightful and 3.) If I could have added or kept anything out.

Thanks Matt
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Hudson Premium
Hi Matt, Great step forward for you - well done. I agree with other comment that some pictures would be usefull, a bit like those in Kyle and Carson Training on plug ins which is part of the 30 day success training.
Other than this I found it concise and detailed - like the bit about working inside the brackets - there are the little nuggets that make the training all the more successfull,

Thanks again,

BIS Premium
Congratulations on posting your first training.

I agree with Welshy that adding some images would add to what you've written.

I think you should break up your first paragraph. I know how to do this and yet I had to reread it three times to check that I understood what you were saying. It's a bit wordy - particularly as there are no pictures.

Best wishes

mdonnelly21 Premium
Awesome thanks again. Soon I'm going to learn how to do video training to show exactly where to go, and how to do it.
CSmith1 Premium
Hi Matt, I clicked the Like button on your first training resource.
I personally would of include images,if you can capture a cropped screenshot of each main step it's going to help others follow along better in my opinion. Granted it's not always required but helps.
mdonnelly21 Premium
Oh Thanks, I'm not quite sure how to take pictures of the content that I'm talking about though? Which would be HUGE to show how I did it exactly.