
Last Update: February 06, 2019

Setting up your Wealthy Affiliate account only includes two items:

(1) Adding a profile image (can be anything you want)

(2) Adding a personal description

This may seem very simple (and it is), but there are definite reasons that you are going to want to complete the account set-up process. Here are some benefits to setting up your account:

Leads to better networking within the community

Your “followers” within the community will go up at least 5x (in some cases)

People are more willing to help you if you have a profile

Adds a level of credibility within the community

Shows others that you are serious about SUCCESS

Immerse yourself within Wealthy Affiliate and you are going to experience a lot more success. It is a rare day within WA when you don’t get to brush shoulders with millionaire marketers hanging out within the community, so take this serious and make your profile (people’s first impression of you) a good one.

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