New blog on 6th Sept 2024

Last Update: January 21, 2025

I am not sure why the Wealthy Affiliate Hub suggested steps are in that order, but I have defied it and while I will make sure all - that I think is useful - hub steps will be followed, I have my own order to do those steps.

  • I finish the website structure first
  • So that's what I did.
  • First: Logo

For this I used ChatGPT. I didn't fuzz with it. I provided the prompt and got the result. I kept it. I think it's pretty cool.

I know it only has TANK written on it, but if I wanted Tank Magus, I know the AI would put something like this: TNAK MSUG on the logo. It's a thing. And I like to do things as simple and quick as possible. So it's just TANK.

Tank Magus

The logo is also the favicon of the website.

Next: Site settings.

I always go through every option here, setting language, general website info, time form, comment control, privacy policy, etc.

Next: Plugins

Now I know that there is a list of plugins WA has banned. If you guys know any page or post where they are listed, please let me know. Until then, these are the plugins I use for my websites:

RankMath SEO Pro - The best SEO plugin I have found.

Kraken - Pre-installed. I usually just leave it there as is.

AI Engine: It does exactly the same as WA's AI, only cheaper and less user-, and definitely not beginner friendly. If you are ready to set up your own OpenAI API, then find this plugin.

AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages (Google AMP Project) functionality to your WordPress site. AMP makes websites faster for Mobile visitors.

I marked the AMP plugin bold, because it is important. As of 2024, mobile devices dominate global internet traffic, accounting for approximately 59.7% of all web traffic. In comparison, desktop devices contribute around 38.2% of web traffic, with tablets making up the remaining small percentage. This shift towards mobile has been significant over the past decade, as mobile traffic was less than 11% in 2012.

The last thing I did today on Tank Magus was set up all the categories I plan to write in:

Tank History, Tank Modelling, Tank Games, Tank Comics, Tank Books, Tank Films, Tank Interiors, Tank Engines, Tank Types, Tank Camouflage, Tank Commanders, etc.

That's it for today.

I'll post the rest as I go.

If you want to catch up with the previous posts on Tank Magus, please see this page:

updated text

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