Posts by Minakshis 516
Heading into the new year, we wanted to personally reach out to everyone within the WA family and ask you for your feedback as to how we can better improve the service here at WA...your biggest annoyances...and what you would like to see improved upon or fixed within the community.This is YOUR community as much as it is ours and we want to make your experience, your learning, your success the best it can be. You are the reason that we have evolved and continue to be inspired to improve the servi
This is first blog by the user to check for the latest updates ;
This is to test if the tags are working : <code>First message</code> <span><div>Second message on the way</div><span> <label> Third message here </label> <a href="">Click here for #1 site</a><br> <img src=""></img> These are all the tags.
With the plethora of available tools and training here inside WA, what was the determining factor that made you decide to upgrade to premium? I would really appreciate if you would take the time and leave your comment below as this information will only make WA better!
March 25, 2015
1 comment
This is a new blog to test for the images uploaded from redactor toolbar. Checking for the new images uploaded in blogs from redactor toolbar. Different size and different image formats are uploaded here. That's it.
February 22, 2015
This is a test message and we are checking for the image linking functionality that exist for blogs. Click on the above image.
This is testing for new messages. On the question of long or short I'd say I prefer around 5 minutest. It has several different features and I'm sure over time its only going to grow. If I understand correctly the plugin is actually built by the people behind the wordpress platform.
February 11, 2015
blog for comment count
February 11, 2015
comment count test blog