This is first article again on 7th Feb 2019

Last Update: November 02, 2020

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Day 2: Getting Down to Business (and some fun)

When guests arrive in the morning, our not so round (rectangular) table was full of this years SWAG, and the materials they need to follow along with years conversations. It is usually more of a "book" because we have so much going on, and so many platforms/ideas that we are looking to implement in the year ahead. This years outline of "things going on behind the scenes" was 37 pages in length!

Along with this, we have the entire day catered, including breakfast platters, lunch, and of course refreshments. This is the case each day that conferences are going on.

Here you can see some pictures of this years "big table" before we got down to business!

You can see we have padfolios, pens, coffee mugs, charging batteries and a few other goodies, and some "spending" cash that people can use for whatever they like, to gamble or otherwise.

After the day, we usually wrap things up in the evening with a 'socail' event. This year we did Craftsteak, one of our favourite restaurants in all of Vegas and it is certainly our favourite steakhouse.

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