This is next blog created on 22nd Feb 2022

Last Update: February 27, 2022


WA Vegas Super Affiliate Conference

This has your live countdown on "sales" needed to reach Super Affiliate status. If you reach 300 sales in a year, you will be invited to an all-expenses paid trip to Las Vegas for our annual Super Affiliate conference.

Your Affiliate Link

This is your unique affiliate link that you can use to promote WA, and earn commissions. If someone signs up through your link, you get full affiliate credit. Feel free to share this link wherever you like, with anyone that you think may be interested in building a business online. It could pay big dividends.

Program Details

This is where you can go to get full details about the Affiliate Program, the commission structures, your main affiliate link, your incentive countdown, etc. The affiliate program at Wealthy Affiliate is not just advanced from a technology standpoint, but you are also getting one of the most appealing RECURRING commission structures in all the affiliate marketing space. Unlike many programs in the industry that focus on "taking advantage of customers", our focus has and will always be making our service better. The better our service gets, the more people that stick around, stick around for longer, and the better our conversions get.


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