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Last Update: March 10, 2022

This is the latest ajsdf kljaskd fjk

This is data that you can leverage to carve out successful niche, keyword, and pay-per-click marketing campaigns. In this video I am going to walk you through the process of these research activities, leveraging Alphabet Soup X as the key research tool. Whether you are a Starter, Premium or Premium Plus+ member you are going to gain a lot of insights with this training.

Getting your referrals to convert is the name of the game! Let's cover everything you can do to make your referrals' experience a great one, from creating great content, to using calls to action, and to being the best support coach possible!

With regards to questions they ask during their starter account, we get notifications for every single question our referrals leave. And those notifications don't go away if another member chimes in with a helping hand. It's a positive thing when your referral sees the WA community helping out, but when they see the consistency from their support coach offering advice and support on every single question they have it only solidifies the support they feel.

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