A day in history

Last Update: June 09, 2011

I haven't been using WA for a while, because I have been busy with my 9-6 offline job and creation of a new website. 

I have been a member of WA for 1 year, but I havent done even one sale yet. However, I have started building my new website together with 30-days Success Club in february 2011.

Today is 10/06/11 and I would like to announce that my website, www.leconcierge.kz ; is ready now and I feel very proud of it. The website is completely for my local market and in russian language. It is a directory of night clubs, restaurants, hotels, etc.

Many of you might think that it took a long time  to build this website , because I'm using a ready to go WP theme, but I would like to say that the theme comes only in english so I had to translate the theme into russian which is purely technical job.

Another reason why im feeling proud of building a website is that I am a complete newbie in Word press and all the things related to creating website. When I joined WA I didn't even know what is the difference between Blog and About me sections :). 

The reason why I am telling you all of these is because I am happy that I have joined WA. I wouldnt have built my website hadn't I joined the WA.  At first I was hesitating joining the WA last year, but when I heard that WA will increase monthly payment I have joined just to see it works.  I couldnt use WA in the beginning up until february 2011, but I kept being a member of the WA. So in february, I almost lived at the WA, because I had a monthly leave at my job. This was the time when I learnt a lot about website creation and have done the most part of my website. 

So, now here I am with my ready to go website, which only needs traffic now. 

Im feeling myself really happy now. Even in the beginning of 2011, I didnt have an idea of creating a website, I only discovered that I could create a website myself when I started using the WA at full.  So with the help of WA creators and members, my website is ready now. I hope that after one year all my country will know about my website : )

Now, I would like to express my  deep appreciation to Kyle and Carson. I'm really amazed twith the potential of these guys. I cant even imagine how much work they do in order to fulfill all the needs of every member of the WA. I remember bothering Kyle every single day for about two or three weeks with one of my domains and he kept dealing with my issue fully and patiently untill the issue had been resolved and never did I feel any type of ignorance or unwillingness to help. This was the time when I really realised that these guys really treasure and care about every single member of the WA and I think this is very important for us.

I also would like to thank  BWH1, Bigman, Marcus.   Bwh1 and Bigman helped me a lot with wordpress customization and other issues that I dont remember now, but I relly remember the people who helped me.

So today is 10/06/11 and there are my goals:

1) to earn  $7000 by 15/10/11 with my new website

2) to earn $21000 by 31/12/11

3) I have a plan to launch a new website, but I havent set the time yet.


Kyle and Carson,  I am not sure whether  you will see my blog, but I would like to thank you and say that I appreciate all the help and assistance. I think you provide a tremendous opportunity for everyone to start their business online. I hope one day to join you in Las Vegas  at WA conference :).


P.S. Sorry if I made mistakes in english :)




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Mirel Premium
Thank you jatdebeaune and burntout,
to be honest those pictures come with the theme, so its not relly how our food looks like, as i said the website is still new and the info is not real yet.
Thank you for your comments!
jatdebeaune Premium
Congratulations! Your website makes me hungry. I love Russian food.
burntout Premium
Your site makes me want to dust off my traveling shoes! :) Delicious pictures. Congrats on your accomplishment. It is no small feat. The very best of luck to you.
Mirel Premium
Hi genegem,
thank you for nice comments.
Same here I wish you success and stay motivated!
I'll try to update my blog every week.
Very well put together website. Your English is pretty good. Certainly better than my Russian which is non existent. I wish you every success with your IM adventure.