About Miss Kitty
Joined March 2010
I came here hoping to make some money and work up to making a lot of money, (not over night). I am disabled and can't work in the field I have been trained for which is the medical field. More specifically Medical Ass't. and EMT anymore. In fact there isn't a lot I can do to make any money any more except to make this work. Since Im being honest here, I am facing bankrupcty. I didnt do too well with my finances in the past and really racked up the credit card debt! Yuck, dont even want to talk about that any more. I am a former Minnesota girl. I moved to CA in 1966 and havent left since. My dream is to move to Brookings Oregon. But I need money for that. Why does it cost money for everything? Dang! How did I become disabled? Well I put myself in the hands of a Neurosurgeon from hell to operate on my back because of constant back pain, stenosis, bone spurs and some other problems. What did the surgery do? Well, it left me in constant pain 24/7, cant walk except with a walker, have no balance and generally worse off than I was before! If I thought I could win I would sue the pants off this guy. He has really messed up my life. Oh, and because of the trauma of the surgery and the failure of it I now have Fibromyalgia too. Ughhhhh! No More!!!! So, I really need to make this whole internet marketing work for me and work well.
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bigvnd Premium
Welcome to WA
bigvnd Premium
You're welcome
Miss Kitty Premium
Thanks for the welcome!!
music_mom30 Premium
Miss Kitty Premium
Thanks so much for the welcome!
jatdebeaune Premium
Miss Kitty, That doctor needs to be put somewhere he can't hurt people. My mother encountered the same thing when she was in her early forties, with 3 kids to support. Long story. Unskilled surgeon. I just included you as my buddy. If I can help just ask.
jatdebeaune Premium
I would start by reading the 8 week program over and over and take notes. That way you commit it to memory. Then read potpiegirl's tutorials. It does sink in after a while. Let's stay in touch. J.
Miss Kitty Premium
Hey, thanks so much! Sorry about your mom. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy! I have to hope this guy will get his some day. Anyway thanks for the welcome! And, do these lessons all go so slow??
Miss Kitty Premium
Wow! Here I am at "another" place that tells you how to sell and make money on the internet. I have been jerked around by other places that told me the same thing, but I think I have finally found the real thing! To say I know nothing about internet marketing is putting it mildly, But, I want to learn and I'm will to work for it!
Louise M. Premium
Hi and WELCOME ! Glad to have you here !

Feel free to contact me if you need help. Good luck ! :)
Louise M. Premium
haha, no worries. Just go to the training center --> training homepage and start the "action plan". Get back to me with questions anytime ;)
Miss Kitty Premium
Are you kidding? Help? Where do I start???