Day 3

Last Update: March 01, 2010

Ok, Thus far I've managed to orient myself to the WA site, create my Space and add a few buddies. I began the Get Started training and I'm waiting for the next lesson to kick off. Meantime, my plan is to work through the site navigation and get a high-level overview of the site's content (it'll take me a while, I'm sure. This thing is content rich to say the least). I'm also planning to click through all the high-level topical categories of the WA forum.

I think the WA System Site Map page is going to be hugely important to me over the next few days. If anyone else has devised their own method of getting arms around the WA content and community (at a high level), I'd love to hear about it!

362 days to achieve my goal -- saying "good-bye" to The Man and "hello" to my family and my dreams!

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