Pls Help Me

Last Update: November 07, 2009

I have joined WAU two days ago and trying to figure out how to start. The articles provided seem to be very generic. I am not an internet Savy. Can anybody guide me step by step in depth? Perhaps on PPC to start with.



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M-skeezy Premium
Yeah like "timeandmoney" said try to start out with article marketing.I'm new to internet marketing so a lot of this stuff made no sense to me a month ago.Try going to "WA System Tutorials" in the training center tab and read the resources there to learn how this site works and what's available here.Whatever you do don't rush and try to learn too much at once
Ruggero Premium
It may seem a little "vague" now, but that's only because there's a lot of theory to get through as to the methodology of internet marketing. The more hands-on stuff is available to you in the learning center, but if you're following the tutorials, they'll come a little later. Remember the internet marketing is very flexible, and ultimately you need to take action the way you feel is best for you, following the guidelines you're taught here.

Good luck!
timeandmoney Premium
Welcome to WA. In reference to your blog post, PPC may not be the best choice for you to start with if your are new to internet marketing. There is a very deep learning curve involved and could be very expensive. Artlcle marketing may be a better starting point. It's free and it works! Best of Luck!