Posts by Moneyguru93 4
November 14, 2009
I've finally made my first article! Here it is:'m particular fond of it. :) It took me more than a month to read and interpret all the vast information here, and I just rather recently finally applied it and took action! I now know what people mean when they say to succeed, you need to take action! I think  that's huge. Now I just await traffic and Google ranking :D   
November 02, 2009
I was compelled by my good friend iWilco to set a little goal for myself. I am going to shoot for $100/day by the end of the  year this New Year! I'd be quite comfortable with this income, but who's to say I'll stop there?! The Sky's the limit.... So I'll keep anybody who's interested in my progress up-to-date via the forums and my blog on my WA space. I know I can do it because this site is phenomenal. And the people (that's you guys) are also awesome and helpful! Good luck to us all!
October 19, 2009
Well, I plan on finally taking the plunge and starting my first campaign tomorrow! I've absorbed tons of information ... now it's time to apply what I've learned and actually do it. I'm doing Article Marketing.  I'll keep anybody who cares posted on my progress. :D Cheers! --Calvin  
October 12, 2009
Today I am reading through the WA Action Plan. Just started, so ... I think that is a good place to start. Some really good information there. Well, I've gotta go off to be now; I'll keep anybody who wants to be-in-the-know with updates on my progress. Cheers!         —Calvin