About Moneystalker
Joined January 2010

My name is Philip from Nairobi. I am 22 years old and happy to have finally taken a step closer to achieving my ultimate dream-making $$$ online

I am a freelance writer/blogger, and passionate football (soccer) fan,you can check out my articles across these sites: www.soccerticketsonline.com and www.serieaticketsonline.com.
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cduane82 Premium
I thank you for your words of encouragement! Keep in touch.
Taos 9 Premium
Hi Philip - I'm a Philip too and also write (recently finished my first novel). I live in Sydney, Australia, but I have been to Nairobi, spent a week there in the late '60's (before you were born) and then spent a week in Mombassa. How's your online adventure with WA going for you, making $$$'s yet? Let's stay in touch - cheers Philip
moneystalker Premium
Nice to hear from you Philip. Seems like we have more in common than just our names lol. So whats your novel about? My online campaigns have not yet earned me any $$$ but that will not get me down ( still a newbie just 4 months old) Anyway how 's your IM career doing? Hope to hear from you and if you have tips on how i can get that first dollar, please let me know- thanks
moneystalker Premium
Nice to hear from you Philip. Seems like we have more in common than just our names lol. So whats your novel about? My online campaigns have not yet earned me any $$$ but that will not get me down ( still a newbie just 4 months old) Anyway how 's your IM career doing? Hope to hear from you and if you have tips on how i can get that first dollar, please let me know- thanks
moneystalker Premium
Nice to hear from you Philip. Seems like we have more in common than just our names lol. So whats your novel about? My online campaigns have not yet earned me any $$$ but that will not get me down ( still a newbie just 4 months old) Anyway how 's your IM career doing? Hope to hear from you and if you have tips on how i can get that first dollar, please let me know- thanks
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family