It's Working!

Last Update: October 20, 2010

After contacting Kyle with a problem logging into the email from WA hosting it works. So does WordPress Express.  I'm glad to see that everything is now working.  I've been modifying my website and blog a little so I haven't been able to do much yet.  Also will be looking to make my money soon.

 I've noticed a lot of new people and I'm glad some are finding the tutorials I've made useful.  I will continue to add to them and modify them if I find a better or more accurate way of doing things.

I have to go and complete some more training.  I'm trying to learn how to actually make some money now.  Hope I can get everything working soon.

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moondragon1 Premium
It was my pleasure. I don't mind and I hope you have the best of luck.
prinker Premium
Thanks for your help in the forum; I'm glad to hear it is working now; I'll go back and do some things over; maybe that'll help me. I'm adding you to my buddy list; hope you don't mind. Thanks!