About Moses
Joined April 2008
Hello Every One,

A full time System and Network Administrator / Project Manager.
New to IM, even though working with computer and information every day.
Many years in the IT field, and you can ask how a boring redundant a job it is. So I put every day a smile on my face and think that day will come.
Of course that day. Oh..The day I will play soccer any time, do my cartoon drawings in my pajamas, and lend a hand to the needy every day.

I will not stop smiling till the end. That is why I want to see it on the screen too. In real life I am more handsome, than this dude, but seeing it gives me a giggle to last me a day.

Always, please do laugh. And you will be amazed how the day passes.

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tschmon Premium
Hi Moses, I'm new too and thought I'd introduce myself. Good luck to you on your WA journey!

Moses Premium
Thank you for your email. and I also wish you a good success on WA. The idea is that knowledge is the key but experience must be the door. And I am reading as much as I can to pick up Kyle, Carson and other super affiliate experience. Welcome abroad.
Moses Premium
Just raising my hands and asking, how everyone in my buddy list is doing? I am just trying to say hi and learn what you are doing with the lessons. What is happening and how is is going? Drop a line when you have time.
Smile -)
Betsuzdav Premium
Hi Moses,
Your picture is great, and you have a great attitude! I agree that we should not stop smiling. I am always accused of being so happy. People can't figure it out. I say enjoy life! Why walk around angry or sad or whatever? It only makes it worse for yourself.
Anyway, Best of luck to you and your IM business!
Moses Premium
Thank you for comment. In business, they say if you stick with successful people you will be successful. And in life that is true, that if stick with happy and laughing people... So other will not get it until they start smiling. keep that smile coming and show your happiness because the aroma is always luring.
Good luck on your IM biz. You will do very good.
Smile :-)
Moses Premium
Thank you for comment. In business, they say if you stick with successful people you will be successful. And in life that is true, that if one sticks with happy and laughing people they will be engulfed with laughter and happiness. So other will not get it until they start smiling. keep that smile coming and show your happiness because the aroma is always luring.
Good luck on your IM biz. You will do very good.
Smile :-)
Anuffer Premium
I saw the pic and couldn't help but smile!!! Thanks! I'm also new to WA and wanted to say hi and welcome. Good Luck in all you do!
Moses Premium
Thank you Amanda. Don't feel you have too much time in your hand even though you are at home. You know how much work is at home. Yeah! I think while you going on the 8 weeks Action plan, put a schedule for yourself and stick with it. Treat this biz as a real one. There will be time to relax later, but now, what I understood so far, it is work. And keep the smile coming.
Moses Premium
Just raising my hands and asking, how everyone in my buddy list is doing? I am just trying to say hi and learn what you are doing with the lessons. What is happening and how is is going? Drop a line when you have time.
Smile -)
sammie Premium
Thanks Moses for helping my daughter out ( Carin ) with some great advice...she did the changes you suggested and showed me her revisions this weekend. Maybe if you get the time , you could have a look at my website www.scentedcandlelightandsoapbubbles.com I have 3 websites with storesonline and have only published the 1 so far...but am not getting very much traffic and only about 7 sales in a full year. I'm not very good at all this IM stuff...and don't sem to be able to find the time to do too much work on it...anyway ...thanks a bunch.....sammie
sammie Premium
Thanks for taking the time to check out my site..looking forward to you further comments..sammie
sammie Premium
I see that you have been talkin' to my daughter too ( Carin)
Thanks for the help. ~sammie~
Moses Premium
Sorry for the delay. I did not login for a while. Any way I am glad to give my little help to Carin. I am sure she is one smart lady. I will be happy to see your website. First glance it is ok, also it is functional with no visual problem. Let me come back to you after checking it in a day or two.
Smile :-)
AndreaB Premium
Hi Moses,

Who can resist someone that is all smiles? I'm new to affiliate marketing and WA as well but learning a TON. I've already put some of this incredible information to work for me and am looking forward to big things ahead. Hope you are enjoying the same success.
Moses Premium
Thank you for putting me on your Buddies list. Please keep us on the progress of the Bum Marketing. I am planning to start on PPC, and may be we might require your help.
Moses Premium
Just raising my hands and asking, how everyone in my buddy list is doing? I am just trying to say hi and learn what you are doing with the lessons. What is happening and how is is going? Drop a line when you have time.
Smile -)