About Mr Lee
Joined September 2008
Hey! My name is Darren Lee I am 25 years old and live in Ireland. Im a wannabe director and I am searching for ways to make money online, that dream of being financially secure through the power of the internet. I have tried many money making schemes and all have failed or returned very little. I actually came across this website researching dropshipping lets hope my subscription pays off.
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Stellar Premium
Hi Darren in Ireland. Are you interested in directing for film? I went to film school as well...and became an entrepreneur in order to pay back massive student loans and also create enough liquid capital to fund my own production studio...I'm looking forward to creating documentaries and narratives in the next couple years. I love writing, directing and editing...welcome to the WA community and good luck with your 8 week action plan. This can work for you if you add in a lot of patience and persistence into the mix. Good luck and stay in touch! Enjoy fabulous Ireland for me (one day I hope to visit the Green Isle!). Peace, Sandra.
Hedda Premium
Welcome and good luck!
Mr Lee Premium
Hey! My name is Darren Lee I am 25 years old and live in Ireland. Im a wannabe director and I am searching for ways to make money online, that dream of being financially secure through the power of the internet. I have tried many money making schemes and all have failed or returned very little. I actually came across this website researching dropshipping lets hope my subscription pays off.

Heello to all of you! Im looking forward to make like minded friends =)
Inga Premium
Welcome to a big business family! We learning and earning... Lets do it together!
Inga Premium
Hi. How are you doing today? On second day of your study? i believe, that you become a great marketer!! Good luck .
Mr Lee Premium
Thank you so much.
Love the pictures. Do you model too?
gueorgui Premium
hey Darren,

What an interesting profession, directing, I was considering a career in directing a few years ago, but I chose to develop as an entrepreneur. I have much respect for directors! Welcome on board.

Success and freedom!

gueorgui Premium
Mr Lee

How's things with you? I hope everything is rocking.

Keeping in touch.

Mr Lee Premium
Hey Buddy
I donated you gold since you seem to be a nice person. Directing is fun but at the moment not profitable. I read that
Rich Dad Poor Dad sparked you off its funny because I listened to the audio book in my car on a long drive just a few days ago before joining WA =) great minds think alike they say =)

How have you been doing as an entrepreneur? Im always keen to hear others success =)