About MrGright
Joined November 2008
Hello, My name is Darrick and I am orginally from Long Beach California. I now reside in Las Vegas Nevada where I live with my beautiful wife Camisha and my newborn baby daughter Anaya who is three months, daughter Jayden age 9, son Jordan age 13, and I have a son Darrick II age 15 and daughter Dezerae' age 17 who still lives in California. Just a little about myself, I am 40 years old and I have been a Realtor and Mortgage broker for the past 10 years and I am looking to re-invent myself. I have looked at and been involved in all kinds of programs in my lifetime and there have not been any that have brought any kind of success. At this point in my life there is an urgency to do something with my life to where I can spend more time with my family, because My God and family are very important to me. I became a WA memember on November 19, 2009 and I am looking forward to some great things, and so far from what I have read this looks like the direction God is taking me so I am excited to be apart of a wonderful community and family and I just need to get started. My wife is a nurse and I am so proud of her because of the things she has accomplished so far in her life and I thank God for my soulmate he sent me. I will post some picture later of my family once I get the hang of the program. I will also look forward to meeting and talking with members to see how I can get the ball rolling and fulfill my purpose while I am here on this earth. Thanks go out to Kyle and Carson for creating a program that can help people like myself provide a better life style for my family and friends. I look forward to getting a chance to meet them one day. Thanks and God Bless!
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Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
TJ Books Premium
Click on my pic to respond. Welcome, Brain! This is a great place to learn so work hard and smart. John
TJ Books Premium
Wait! Your name probably is not Brain. So, Welcome, M!
TJ Books Premium
The only thing that works is doing your lessons and then your tasks on a daily schedule. If you think you can write a couple of articles and get rich, you will fail. Lots of articles first. PPC after you know what you are doing and when you have Kyle or Carson to guide you. Work hard! John
funjob Premium
Re-invention (is that a word) is healthy. I have done it many times over the years and hope to continue for many more.
Family is it. You have the secret. Roll with the punches.
MrGright Premium
Hello, My name is Darrick and I am orginally from Long Beach California. I now reside in Las Vegas Nevada where I live with my beautiful wife Camisha and my newborn baby daughter Anaya who is three months, daughter Jayden age 9, son Jordan age 13, and I have a son Darrick II age 15 and daughter Dezerae' age 17 who still lives in California. Just a little about myself, I am 40 years old and I have been a Realtor and Mortgage broker for the past 10 years and I am looking to re-invent myself. I have looked at and been involved in all kinds of programs in my lifetime and there have not been any that have brought any kind of success. At this point in my life there is an ergency to do something with my life to where I can spend more time with my family, because My god and family are very important to me. I became a WA memember on November 19, 2009 and I am looking forward to some great things, and so far from what I have read this looks like the direction God is taking me so I am excited to be apart of a wonderful cummunity and family and I just need to get started. My wife is a nurse and I am so proud of her because of the things she has accomplished so far in her life and I thank God for my soulmate he sent me. I will post some picture later of my family once I get the hang of the program. I will also look forward to meeting and talking with memembers to see how I can get the ball rolling and fulfill my purpose while I am here on this earth. Thanks go out to Kyle and Carson for creating a program that can help people like myself provide a better life style for my family and friends. I look forward to getting a chane to meet them one day. Thanks and God Bless!