Posts by Mrlemmer1 4
May 22, 2011
 I'm not going to sleep until I have a graphic on the big blue section of:
May 21, 2011   I hope I'm not stepping over any lines, but I created a small little place with a meembo chat room so that we can go somewhere and have some real time interaction. This way, we don't have to wait for forum responses, and we don't have to be skyping people who don't want to answer at that particular moment.    Head on over to and try it out!
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May 20, 2011
 Hey Hey Hey!  Day 1, have my up  Day 2, have my up(*)  *Kind of confused right now --- some of my screens aren't matching my tutorials or 30 day success emails... more to follow.
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^^^^^^^^^^^ Well my title pretty much sums it up. I'm very familiar with the internet and computers, um.... not so much, eh, with those ah, blog things however! I'm excited to be alongside everyone here, and I'm going to get back to my courses, because, well I'm Ready To LEARN!
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