About Mrodriguezo
Joined February 2009
I'm Mariano from Argentina, I have a daughter of 7.

I have a career in IT, especifically Technology (SAP, Communications, Infraestructure, etc.), but nowadays I think I need some change in my career...

So, I am on my way of learning IM stuff. I would like to share experiences with other members, so, if you are interested just knock the door! :-)

See ya!
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mrodriguezo Premium
Hi, new experiences are welcome!
WealthyBabylon Premium
Hi Mariano! I'm also from Argentina! If you want you can add me as a buddy of your space and share our experiences! Jonathan
WealthyBabylon Premium
Hola Mariano! Yo también empezé con esto hace poco y también estuve leyendo mas que actuando. Y también estoy trantando de hacer algo serio a tiempo completo para poder vivir de esto. Bueno, ya tenemos un canal de comunicación abierto, por lo tanto, cuando quieras y por cualquier tema me podes contactar, yo estoy en la PC practicamente todo el día, así que las respuestas van a ser rápidas. Yo soy de Capital Federal, vos? Saludos, Jonathan.
WealthyBabylon Premium
Listo, ya te agregue.
mrodriguezo Premium
Hola Jonathan! Te agregué. Estemos en contacto, yo recién estoy empezando. La verdad que estuve leyendo mucho y actuando no tanto... ya quiero empezar el tema de IM seriamente. Bienvenido para conversar sobre el tema. De que lugar de Argentina sos? Saludos! Mariano
mrodriguezo Premium
Que tal. Yo tambien soy de capital, Villa Luro (cerca de Liniers). Te cuento que mucho tiempo trabajé en tecnología y hace año y algo dejé mi ultimo empleo como gte. de tecnología en una multi, estoy tambien metido con el tema de las inversiones y ahora estoy tratando de empezar con todo con este tema, creo que voy bien encaminado pero lo quisiera encarar como una empresa. Te dejo mi MSN para que cuando quieras nos contactemos y hablamos un poco de las ideas: mrodriguezo en hotmail. Saludos!
mrodriguezo Premium
Hola Johnathan, espero que hayas solucionado el tema con tu PC. Ya que me quedan pocos días de mi participacion en la pagina de WA aproveché y te doné mi oro. Todo suma!... :-) Seguimos en contacto. Saludos!
javier872 Premium
Buenos is beautiful spent some time there and Rosario several years back. After being in the states for 36 years since I was 4 , People still picked up that I had a Peruvian accent. Si Soy Peruano. Wish you lots of look on this new venture.We could all use it.
mrodriguezo Premium
Hi Javier! I think there is a lot of people here who speak spanish, I think it could be great idea to create some forum or group for brainstorming and leverage. As you know in US and english speaking countries IM is mature, but I think it is not the same in LATAM or another spanish speaking languages. We have an opportunity there. What do you think? For example creating a network for making courses, blogs, each other referrals, mastermind, etc.. Contact me whenever you want, no problem. I have add another guy from Argentina (check my space and contact him if you want). Saludos!!
KismatroszAW Premium
Hi, welcome by WA group, you will see you are on the right place.
mrodriguezo Premium
Hi Erwin! Thank you for the welcome. See you around!
MarenFF Premium
Hej Mariano, welcome to the WA community. I hope you had a great start into the resources. How have your first days been? See you around, Maren
MarenFF Premium
I am working on my first project. After having read a lot of information I realised that the most important thing in this business is to put whatever you learn into action and put it out there.
So even if luck may help you the most important part is to take action! Feel free to buddy up. Keep in touch, Maren
mrodriguezo Premium
Hi Maren! Thanks for being the first giving the welcome to me!

I have read some info here and in other hand I'm watching some courses I bought... it is awesome the quantity and quality of information... I think I'm suffering the Analysis Paralysis :-( -> lol

I'm in my way of choosing some technique for the very beginning, so wish me good luck!

What about you? How are you going with IM?

I would like to Buddy with you, wouldn't you?

See ya!