Build A Huge List For Free!!

Last Update: February 09, 2010

OK Everyone, I just came across this and it is working great for me. 

This is a new & interesting way to build a big list for free.  Kind of like a "chain letter"  Viral List building method.

Started by Russell Brunson - has some big names already associated with it.

A couple of quick things:

#1 - Yes, it is free
#2 - You will be asked to sign up for 5 other peoples newsletters (which you have to do to join), however, you will be able to un-subscribe immediately after signing up.
#3 - Russell will try a couple of "Up Sell" and "Down Sell" techniques - you do not have to buy anything.  Just scroll to the bottom and click on the "no thanks" link.  At the end you will be asked to enter a few pieces of information, click save and your signup is created.

Please give it a try - you really have nothing to loose!

Go Ahead and give it a try, here is the link:

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