Posts by Ms_Native 3
So I've bought my domain name, changed my settings numerous times, and freaked out when couldn't pull my site.  So I was grinding away at my 1st job when it dawned on me. Quit trying to pull my site through google, bing, or yahoo, especially when I haven't wrote one article.  I just typed my site into the address bar & Viola! My light bulb moment. Articles here I come...or in a few hours...
1 comment
August 11, 2010
 Whoo hoo! I bought my very first domain name through  My boyfriend is so supportive. We were giggling like little kids. Even though I gagged at the articles I now have to write, I'm stoked! Several months later, and still terrified, I am still learning to crawl before I walk.  But I will still get up and wipe my shoulder off if I fall.  
August 07, 2010
Wow, that's me. But everyday, I log in to WA, read another piece of information and take it forward. So what, I'm slow? I might not be sure, but I prefer the turtle pace in which I'm moving. As long as I keep taking action, I'm much further ahead than those scoffing at my IM goals. And when I reach my goal of 1st sale, and my whole other horde of Firsts, I may not say I told you so, but might also show someone the way to WA.