About Mulamata
Joined February 2010
My Name is Charles Mulamata.
I am an electronics Enginner, I have studied in India for my graduate studies. When I came back home i started several entreprises but the main ones are metal fabrication for making of doors and windows for the building industries. and renewable energy company.
I have a beautifull wive and 7 children all school going.
I have travelled widely, India, the far east: Taiwan and Hongkong, USA, UAE, Sharja, Turkey, Gernany and several African countries like Kenya, Rwanda.

I enjoy listening to Munic mostly local country.
My fevourate sport is swiming and cycling

I will enjoy meeting new people on WA and making contacts with them.

See you all out there

Mulamata Charles
Mulamata's Accomplishments

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Dazman Premium
Hi Charles,
I read your post earlier about not completing your task as you feel your friends and family may not buy the WA membership.
Well i am kind of in the same boat as i don't think my friends and family will join also.
I think the only way for them to buy membership is if we both become living proof as to how successful you can be!
Don't worry mate, just continue with the course and mail your friends & family once you've started earning $500+ a day!
Dazman Premium
I'd recommend getting in touch with kyle, carson or someone in the WA community who has been successful with article marketing. I guess this is a good time to test the help available here!
mulamata Premium
Hi Dazman

Thanks for your message. It is sort of encouraging. It seems all friends and family have same characteristics. Only believe after seeing. This is especially true after they have had a similar experience.

So let us be living examples

With all said and done. What is the fastest means of getting an income online.

I thought about article marketing. Theoretically it is very OK but you try it practically.

I have written 9 ezine articles, These have now more than 300 visitors to-date. I have written several ads and posted them on usfreeads. these have had about 40 visitors.
All these do not have even a single sale for a single item of just $20 so that i can start to get a little commission. Every time I look at my click bank account, i am greeted with a blank page.

Should i wait for more people to read the adds and the articles or should i change the articles.

Anybody out there with a solution is very well come. It you have similar experience may be i can start to think that that is the nature of internet marketing.

B regards

Mulamata Charles
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Charles, Welcome to WA. All buddied up!
Louise M. Premium
Hi ! Thx for adding me as your buddy and welcome at WA ! :)
mulamata Premium
Hi There, It is nice to hear from you. Thanks for the acceptance reply. Look forward to our conunity

B regards
Mulamata Charles
Damir Premium
Hello, I have accepted your buddy request. If you have any questions or you are getting confused here at WA feel free to contact me.

mulamata Premium
Hi There, It is nice to hear from you. Thanks for the acceptance reply. Look forward to our conunity

B regards
Mulamata Charles
mulamata Premium
Hello Friends out there,
A truly Millennium development goals achievement strategy
My name is Charles Mulamata. I am Ugandan business man living in Uganda. I have two companies one dealing in metal fabrication and another dealing in renewable energy products. I have a lovely wife with 7 children all school going.
I have always wondered about retirement in the current business that I am doing. I have never come up with a right retirement formulae for people like us, self employed and struggling from day to day(no pension). The income generation capacity of my business seems to be reducing as days go by, with increased competition, government and other taxes, the recession, inflation and increasing cost of living etc.
As one grows older, you are less adventurous and more scared of taking loans for investing in bigger bolder projects. You do not want the stress associated with such. Even financial institutions would think twice before they can agree to give you a big long term loan. You may not live that long.
On the other hand, Internet and affiliate marketing is more like the type of thing we can do best. A more sedate life style. Work at home and at your own flexible time. Assured income, the experience and exposure to write good substantive articles. We have a young audience that can benefit from the vast experience of our senior age. We get the assurance and comfort that we can still contribute constructively to society. We get the assurance that we can cater for our own upkeep without depending or burdening our siblings. The dignity of earning a living to cater for us and our spouses needs. We have the patience to wait for the results of such a business venture without having to jump from one business to another. We are convinced that we have tried everything else and determination that you have to succeed at this one.
In Africa we have extended families. Old age does not exempt you from responsibilities of looking after young ones. This is compounded by the aids, other killer diseases, accidents etc which makes our young meet untimely death.
Then we have unstable un democratic, un --- whatever --- governments that do little to set up a conducive environment for its citizens.
My age group have a lot to offer. Old age means more experience, and a positive contribution to society.
I got the Global Domain International (GDI). This is about selling domains. I thought that this is it. I knew that this was going to make money and my nest egg for retirement. MLM (Multi Level marketing) Sounds wonderful, but fails short of promise in the implementation. Since then I have tried a few other things on the net until I landed on WA.
I like the Wealth Affiliate hand holding arrangement in the jungle of information we are constantly bombarded with on the internet. I love what I am seeing, the tutorials, the community, the presentation, etc. I must succeed in this venture.
I am quite new to this site, I have been struggling to make sense out of this internet, affiliate marketing and generally making money on the internet for now about 3 months. I have tried a few things but to-date I have not made a single dime.
I have a lot of hope to succeed in this business. I wish more of my friends, brothers and sisters in Uganda and the developing countries would take on this internet, affiliate marketing. It would fight the obsessive poverty afflicting our people and countries. With this we can dream of achieving the millennium development goals and uniform development in the world.
It is not easy to convince one that you can earn >$1,000 per day in this business. But I look forward to being the living example of this and will work towards it to bear testimony.
I have written 10 Ezine articles mostly on renewable energy so far and have put up about 7 USfreeadds classified ads, in the hope that there is going to be sales. I have got some traffic and a few clicks but that is about all.
I now want to concentrate on WA I will drop everything else on the net and try to master the art of making money with Wealth Affiliate University.
I am comforted by the community I will be working with at WA and look forward to contribute to the forum.
I have a few people that I have been talking with about making money on the internet. And I am sure I will have quite a following. Our people believe after seeing.
If I can earn $3,000 a moth I will leave my other business and devote full time to the internet.