Posts by Muskyblood 19
Hey WA'ers, Happy Memorial Day to everyone out there!  Hope everyone has a fun and safe day.  Mine will involve some regular work, a little IM, and then 18 holes of golf and some vodka red bulls, or beers, we will see! I have not been posting much in the forum because I am a little intimidated by the fact that my 500th post in this forum is coming up.  I have found myself commenting on blog posts more than forum ones...  I have almost been here 2 years.  My 2 years pos
May 02, 2011
I am always proud to be an American.  And with the news of the death of bin Laden I am even more proud today.  I am so proud of the troops who risk there lives fighting for other peoples freedom day in day out.  They are real life heroes.  
April 15, 2011
Happy Friday to all you fellow WA'ers out there.  Just getting done with the day job, and I am off to the local bar for some vodka red bulls with some friends  for a few hours, then gonna catch Jay's WAbinar tonight. No worries, I can walk home!  Hope everyone has a great weekend! Josh
February 24, 2011
Hello fellow WAers,  Just wanted to report that I have acquired my 1st local SEO client, and have one other guy I am waiting to hear back from.  Pretty sure he will sign on as well.  I am charging $900 to one and $1350 for the other!  Not  bad!  I will be outsourcing a lot of the links, manually building a link wheel, and doing articles to support his main site.  I am figuring on putting in about 20 hours of my time to help him get some good rankings for KWs re
January 29, 2011
Poker... Gotta love it! I don't do much as far as my blog goes around WA.   I fact, my last blog post was to report a hole in one in golf I got his last summer.  Well, now I am here to say I won a nice little poker tourney tonight!  Profited 1K in 5 hours!  Not to mention the awesome buzz of vodka red bull I got goin on right now.  Hope my kids sleep til noon tomorrow, but shit who am I kidding.   Well,  this is my drunken blog post for the month, Fe
July 07, 2010
Hey fellow WAers, Just thought I would share a nice moment of my life with you all.  I am an avid golfer, and play very often.  I have played the game for over 25 years, and finally, FINALLY got my 1st ever hole in one yesterday 6-6-2010.  The best part about it is that I was with my brother and 2 other close friends that I have been golfing with since I was a kid.  Not to mention, it was on a 260 yard par 4!  Needless to say I have a hole in one hangover today, but wou
May 09, 2010
Days go by, and I find that I have hardly any time for taking action.  I spend all of my time reading and participating in the forum.  I have taken a lot of action in the past but have yet to make any sales.  I guess I have kind of lost some of the exciting hope I once had that I could make this work. I have been reading a lot in the forum.  There are some interesting threads no doubt.  Seems like a lot of people have been questioning if IM can work for them or not. 
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April 02, 2010
Well, My wife and I are heading to the hospital.  It appears labor is upon us.  Hope its the real deal and all goes well.  Wish us luck.  Thanks fellow WA'ers!
Well, thanks to PotPie Girl's great tutorials I have just created my 1st lens at squidoo.  I am not sure if it is any good, so any feedback would be great. Now I am hoping to make my 1st sale. Josh
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