My First Squidoo Lens

Last Update: July 28, 2011

I just created my first Squidoo Lens. I had been putting it off because I didn't really understand what Squidoo was. After some research, and WA training I realized how powerful lenses could be and decided to give it a try.

It took a while to figure things out, but I was able to play around with it and realized that I couldn't really screw it up.

 You can use a lens to promote absolutely anything. Once I figured out how to add my Amazon Affiliate links I got really excited, and kept coming up with new niches and products I could promote.

I advise all other newbies to give it a try. You can have a lot of fun with Squidoo.

I'm off to create another lens. And another, and another, and another, and........


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DABK Premium
I'm happy for you but still have to burst your bubble. You can't promote just anything on a lens. There's a long list of things you cannot promote.

It's a good first step. But you're building your house on someone else land, so to speak. They can change the rules and shut down your lenses.

It's best if you use squidoo in a supportive role, having your own site that you pay to host. Wordpress is pretty easy.
keish_777 Premium
that sounds great, happy for you.