About Nate Cat
Joined March 2008
My name is Nathan, I'm from UK. I have done a form of non internet marketing before but gave it up because I was having personal problems at the time. It was pretty rubbish work anyway and involved door to door catalogue sales and I am not too sure why I did it for so long.

I love music and writing. I make music on fruity loops but have the desire to work with other people when I have a more solid financial situation... hence the reason why it is not entirely great. If you can ignore the insane ramblings on the site then you can find a little bit of my stuff on http://zhuno.com. Maybe I should not have given that web site because it is not very sane.

My intention in marketing is to build a secure financial status and be in a position where I am no longer worried about money. My philosophy is that money problems are boring and tedious. Money will not make you happy but there are far better problems to move onto than financial ones.

I joined WA mar11. I was in millionaires league but there is no support in that, unlike what it said in the sales patter. Should have got a refund but the material was actually quite useful so i didn't bother. Unfortunately all that information can be found for free over the internet but at least it was all neatly packed together.
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Cape07 Premium
Hey Nate Cat.. How's it going? Hey.. did you solve the forum problem?? I did the same as you but with I Explorer.. I use firefox and started using IE it worked for a while.. but now I cant log to the forum..
Gbarnett Premium
Hey Nathan, I read some of your posts about html, websites, etc.. and it seems you know your stuff. I may have some questions for you in the future if you dont mind! haha

Good luck!
HealthSupplier Premium
To Nate Cat:

I agree with you... money is not the source of happiness... money is a great tool, but it is a cruel master.

My you find success here at WAU!


kalg Premium
Hey Nathan,

Welcome on board.

How long have you been in IM....just kidding!

I thought we'd make a fresh start....ooops I'm not implying anthing

I'm glad yor're here and I really hope you do really, really so that you can reach your goals in life mate.

Talk soon,

Kal :)
kalg Premium
The missing word is" well" (as in really, really well) in theprevious post.......Geeeeez... I keeep doooing thaat! :) :)
kalg Premium
Hey Nathan, I wish you all the best.

I for now am moving on and have other ideas on my present business and will bounce back in my solo internet marketing ventures down the road.

You know how to find me if you want to chat.

I hope you do really well Nathen and in good health.

Sincerest wishes,

Nate Cat Premium
Ha ha I just read your message today like about 2 weeks later - no one seems to use these much at all. The forum kind of separates everything with this site so it feels a bit remote when you come on here. Well if you read this in a few months time I wish you well and thanks for the message :)