Google Adsense Disabled - WTF

Last Update: May 13, 2012
I received a letter telling me that my adsense account was disabled due to invalid clicking. To tell you the truth, I haven't touched my sites with adsense for a while now. Adsense brings in about $100 every 2 months. They were all sites created a year or more ago (about 3 or 4 websites), and it's never been an issue. I haven't used adsense on any sites for over a year now.  Does anyone know why this could be? Anyone have experience with this?

If they close my account, whatever, it didn't make me much money anyway, but at the same time I feel like it tarnishes my rep with Google, and I'm wondering if this was some tactic from competitors. I've sent a repeal notice, but I doubt that will do any good.  Typically, once you're lableled a spammer, you're done - for life.

Any suggestions or stories from experience are welcome.
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urn357 Premium
Well, if this helps, mine was suspended and I've not even used my adsense account in over 2 years. Now tell me how that makes sense? I just checked it one day a few weeks ago when I was using the google keyword tool and noticed and was like....."what the......?!"
Sielke Premium
count it as a blessing. when my account was disabled (years back, i have since gotten it reactivated) i was opened up to a world of way better ways to monetize the traffic i was getting. it took more work and I had to be more creative but in the end I made at least triple what i was making with adsense. now i just use it on some of the sites that i still need to work on but get small amounts of traffic.
nathaniell Premium
I've seen a couple other stories on WA about people getting their accounts disabled and not knowing why. Rather than make a big deal about it, I just hope to make more money with the site in another way, as you suggested.

How did you go about getting your account reactivated though? The message I got sounded pretty much like a final decision.
kyle Premium Plus
Exactly! Adsense is working for pennies on the dollar...we have always stated that. If you are getting traffic, there are far better ways to monetize it than posting ads on your site in which others are making money from (or they wouldn't be advertising on your site!).

Just remember that. When you post adsense on your site, the person posting the ads on your site is making far more than you are!
Sielke Premium
it took about 6 months but i just put in an appeal and then went into a long back and forth discussion. that was about 5 years ago so i don't know how it is now.
nathaniell Premium
Christian, This is a common helper comment.
nathaniell Premium
Kyle, This is a common helper comment.
robert2704 Premium
Plenty more networks around. I got mine disabled too. Not even bothering to argue with them about it. I was getting a bit of spending cash but for the earnings per click, I'm not losing any sleep over them.
nathaniell Premium
Yeah, I just received the email saying that after 'careful consideration' (yeah right), they've decided to cancel my account and I can't apply for another one. Oh well. They made it pretty clear that it's a final decision.

Same thing here - I was making some extra cash, but whatever.
kyle Premium Plus
They track the IP's you are logging into your Adsense account and then compare those to people that are clicking on your ads. If they see these match on more than one occasions, you are likely to run into this.

If this is not the case, I would definitely suggest you contact Adsense and request an explanation.

Not all is lost, you can replace your ads with affiliate program ads, other publishing networks (infolinks, kontera) and still monetize that traffic. You could even sell these sites if they are getting a decent amount of traffic.
nathaniell Premium
Thanks for the reply Kyle. I've never clicked on my own ads because I knew it was a 'no-no'. Who knows though, I often surf the net after a night of drinking so I may have clicked one of my ads in a fit of inebriation. haha

For me, it's just kind of adding insult to injury - after punishing a bunch of my money making sites with the Penguin update, it seems like Google suspended my Adsense account just out of spite - but I'm sure they're unrelated events. Maybe it's better just to cut my losses and stop using Adsense.

I've sent an appeal, but if it doesn't work out I may look into other publishing networks as you suggested.
kyle Premium Plus
Yeah, if you are still getting traffic you are still in a good position. The two are likely unrelated, but they are really sticky about clicking on your own ads so hopefully they can provide you with a better explanation of why they suspended you...I wouldn't hold your breath though!