Last Update: July 10, 2010

Ok, I admit ... I wandered off for a while and lost my focus on the training bit and yeah ( I deserve a smack in the hand, naughty me!  =)

It feels like I have to go back to some pages of the training again because I forgot where I'm up to and need to get my concentration back so I can keep on going!  Oh well, it happens!  Right? 

Ok now that I'm back!  I just hope I can follow what needs to be done and have a better understanding with  the training this time.  I just need to learn on how to stay focus and be organize with my everyday routines.  Im looking forward to be active ( by doing my training) with WA again. 

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nessa Premium
Hey Louise! Thanks for that! I'll have a look at it and see if i can set my to do list from there. Have a lovely day! =)
Louise M. Premium
set up sme daily tasks to help you stay focus. I use an online to-do-list called www.teuxdeux.com. It's the most simple tool ever and I love it. ;)