Chapter one

Last Update: June 26, 2012
"It has to start somewhere It has to start sometime
What better place than here, what better time than now?"

Day two into my free trial I am very impressed with Wealthy Affiliate. As every hour on WA passes I feel more confident that this really is possible. The plethora of information within my grasp is both a help and a hindrance. Being the avid reader that I am I can already tell that I could easily fall into patterns of procrastination and become comfortably numb absorbing lesson after lesson while putting off any real work. That is why I have decided to warm up my pen, so to speak, by making a blog post.

With the help of Shawn_Martin and Apina in chat I have just bought my first domain. ( I'm sure that I can fill my new domain with high quality content. Right now I work in a retail greenhouse answering stupid questions and watering plants. That is what made me choose growing vegetables as my niche. Things that to me seem very simple are not so for many people. For starters if you don't water your plants they will die!

All I have to do is write down the answers I have given many many times since I started at IFA (intermountain farmers association) It seems so easy but alas the dreaded writers block has taken hold. Before beginning this post I made several detailed fact sheet type outlines but putting it all together into a coherent whole eludes me. I guess all I can do is keep trying because I will make this happen. I must. All hell can't stop me now!
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jpnetco Premium
Welcome aboard. I thought there were no stupid questions.
Nevets Premium
Your right there are no stupid questions I should edit that part out. Just annoying ones. There are only 10 questions people ask regularly and "why is this crispy dry plant dead" is one of them lol.
jpnetco Premium
That's funny. You should consider a "a funny thing happened today" section on your site, sounds like you could have an endless supply of funny stories and one liners, readers love humor.
@RICH. Premium
Damn. You have to water them? I knew there was some trick or t'other. Look forward to hearing how you progress Nevets. Good luck! Rich.